When we think about car safety, seat belts, airbags, and child car seats typically come to mind. Yet, many pet owners overlook the safety of one of their most vulnerable passengers—their dog.
A significant number of dog owners allow their pets to ride in vehicles unrestrained, not fully understanding the dangers this poses. Its understandable why many prefer their dog to have the freedom to look around, stick its nose out of the window and basically have the same freedom we do while riding in a car. The truth is, this seemingly harmless act can have devastating consequences for the dog and humans alike.
The Unconsidered Risks
Imagine you're driving at 30 miles per hour with your dog sitting unrestrained in the back seat. In the unfortunate event of a sudden stop or collision, your dog, even if it's small, could be propelled forward with incredible force.
At just 30 mph, a 50-pound dog can exert a force of over 1,500 pounds in a crash. This can result in catastrophic injuries not only to the dog but to other passengers in the vehicle as well.
The idea of your beloved pet becoming a deadly projectile is shocking but all too real. 30 miles an hour is not very fast at all. The effects in a high speed crash are unimaginable and too horrible to contemplate.
Tragic Reality in a car crash.
Unrestrained dogs are not only at risk of severe injury or death in an accident but can also cause accidents. Dogs can be easily startled or excited by sudden movements or sounds, leading them to jump onto the driver’s lap, block the driver’s view, or even interfere with the steering. This can lead to a loss of control of the vehicle and potentially fatal consequences.
One of our family members recently had her small dog get under her leg while she was zooming around the farm pasture in a Gator. It caused her to lose control and crash through a wire fence at some speed. Nobody was hurt but imagine if that had been in a car on the highway!
Even in minor accidents, the aftermath can be tragic. An unrestrained dog that survives the initial impact can escape the vehicle in a state of panic. This often results in the dog running into traffic or getting lost, compounding the tragedy.
The Importance of a well made Dog Crate
The good news is that these dangers can be mitigated with proper precautions, the most effective being a strong dog crate. A well-designed crate not only prevents your dog from becoming a projectile but also provides a safe, secure space that can protect them from the impact of a collision.
Good crates are built to withstand the forces generated in a car crash. They are designed with strong walls and secure locking mechanisms that ensure the crate remains intact, even in severe accidents. This level of protection is crucial, as a flimsy or poorly secured crate can fail under pressure, rendering it useless in a crash.
Legal and Moral Responsibilities
In many places, laws regarding pet restraint in vehicles are becoming stricter. Some regions mandate that dogs must be restrained while traveling in a car, with heavy fines for those who fail to comply. However, beyond the legal implications, there is a moral responsibility to ensure the safety of all passengers, including pets.
While the thought of your dog being involved in a car accident is distressing, and a thought we don’t like to allow, it’s essential to confront this reality. The simple act of securing your dog in a strong restrained crate can make the difference between life and death.
Robin Logan,